Kitchen Vastu


While preparing the architectural structure or plan of a house, it is important to place the kitchen in its right direction. According to Vastu, the Southeast corner of the house is the best part to place the kitchen because the Lord of “Fire” prevails in the southeast direction of the house. If there is no suitable place found to build a kitchen in the southeast corner then the Northwest corner will work as well.

The kitchen is the place of Transformation because this is the place where Raw and uncooked food get transformed into healthy foods that provide us whole day energy. Vastu science cannot be overlooked while preparing the structure and placing the appliances like a Gas stove, Gas cylinder, refrigerator, microwave, sink, drinking water, and washing area, should be kept in its right place of the kitchen. Doors, windows, and entrance gates should also be in its right place and have cross-ventilation of air. A few of the most important Vastu tips for the kitchen are listed below


  • LOCATION: – According to Vastu the best location to construct a kitchen is the Southeast corner of the house. This corner is the best as all the fire elements are governed from this corner. If there is no suitable place found to build a kitchen in the southeast corner then the Northwest corner will work as well.
  • DOORS AND WINDOWS: – The best directions suited for placing the windows and entrance door are East, North, and Northeast directions in the kitchen. The entrance door should be open in a clockwise direction.
  • GAS STOVE: – Gas Stove should be kept on the platform, not on the shelf. The best place to fix the Gas is the Southeast corner of the kitchen. The elements of the fireplace in this direction works the best. While cooking food cook’s face should be in the east or north direction of the kitchen.
  • PLACEMENT OF SINK/TAPS: – The placement of sink and taps should always be in the northeast direction as we know that it is an indispensable part of our lives. Everybody knows that taps are for multipurpose uses, so it should always be kept in opposite direction to the gas stove (i.e. southeast direction); because both shows, different types of energies as tap shows water and gas stove shows fire energies.
  • REFRIGERATOR: – It can be placed in the kitchen or outside the kitchen i.e. dining room or living area. If it is placed in the kitchen, then Southwest is the best part but keeping away some distance from the wall.
  • ELECTRIC APPLIANCES: – Today’s era, a modern kitchen is full of electric appliances like microwave oven, induction, and coffee maker, etc. keeping them in southwest or west direction is the best. Avoid placing any other direction like northeast or north and east.
  • STORAGE: – Southern and western wall of the kitchen is the best to store grains, spices, and placing of crockery and utensils. Avoid placing these items in east and north directions.
  • COLOR: – Always use light colors like green, ivory, pink, rose, orange, and brown in the kitchen and avoid using black and dark colors. The reason being that the light colors emit positive energies whereas the dark colors emit negative energies which we should be avoided.
  • DRINKING WATER: – The best-suited direction for keeping water filter is northeast. Now a day most people are aware of it and then application.
  • FLOORING: – Flooring shows a person’s royalty and his standard of living, the tiles most suited for flooring are ceramics, Italian stone, and marbles. Dark stoned tiles should be avoided. The platform may touch the east wall.
  • It is strictly prohibited that do not construct a toilet and pooja room in the kitchen. It is also noted that the kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door of the house.
  • In the South facing house, there may not be any possibilities to construct the kitchen towards the Southeast corner, so that we may plan for the kitchen towards the Northwest direction, it is the second-best option to place the kitchen in the home.
  • If there is no window in the kitchen where we need to place the Exhaust fan in the kitchen for passing the air. The Center of the east, south, or southeast part is the best place to fix the Exhaust fan.


