
The plot of land or the “Bhumi’ has been considered and has a great role in the study of Indian Vastu shastra. The selection of proper piece of land before starting any construction activity is not only of utmost importance but is most essential for any constructed property to enable it to fall perfectly in line with principles of Indian Vastu. Before any piece of land is purchase or even before it is lease out for use / construction, it is advisable to get its credentials examined by Vastu Experts to make it yield beneficial results in favour of its owner/user. From very ancient times certain established principles of Vastu are in prectise as to for examining the suitability of land before start of construction or putting it to use.

The main principles are as follows

As per ancient religious books (Granthas) the land is classified in four categories:

BRAHMANI: The piece of land has whitish-coloured clay, the clay having a mild or strong fragrance similar to when we have performed Havana, when touched it gives a pious and soul-soothing feeling to anyone. The piece of land having the above qualities is categorised to be the best and called ‘Brahmini’ land and is said to be most suitable for constructing a temple, a lounge (guest house) for public use free of cost, a school, a library or any such social utility building.

KSHATRIYA: A piece of land having clay which gives a hard feeling when touched, is of reddish or blood colour, and has a bitter taste is categorised as “Kashtriya’. This type of land is a favourite land for snakes to dwell and is considered most suitable for use as a political power centre. This type of land also considered suitable for use as an ordinary depot and army cants or cantonments.

VAISHYA: A piece of land having green or yellow coloured clay, which smells as honey, and has an acidic taste is categorised as “Vaishya Bhumi’ and considered suitable for business establishments.

SHUDRA: A piece of land having blackish clay, which smells like wine, has a bitter taste and gives a hard feel on touch is categorised as ‘Shudra Bhumi’. This type of land has thorny vegetation at large and is not considered suitable for human dwelling.

So before purchase of any piece of land the following points must considered seriously.

  • Dig out one CFT of land and take out the dugout soil. Now fill back the dugout soil into the dugout 1 CFT hollow space and observe the following:
  • If some soil is left out after filling the space the bhumi is best (uttam) for use.
  • If whole of the soil fits into the hollow space and the surface appears to be in level to the ground, the land is said to be okay (madhyam) for use.
  • If even after filling the whole soil into the hollow space some space is still left to be filled the land is not suitable (ashubh) for use.
  • Dig out a 1.5 CFT (18’’x18’’x18’’) hole oblique space on the east or north side of the piece of land and fill it with water. Wall 100 to 120 steps from the place with normal pace, come back and observe the following:
  • If the hole is still full of water and the level has not resided the land is best for use.
  • If you find the hole 3/4th full of water with 1/4 the recession in the level the land is just okay (madhyam) for use.
  • If the entire amount of water is found recessed and the hole is empty the land is not suitable for use.

The owner of the land that is subjected for purification shoulb be asked to choose any one letter from ‘ah’, ‘ka’, ‘ch’, ‘ta’, ‘tah’, ‘pa’, ‘ya’ and ‘sha’, as these letters are directly connected to and represent certain sides or places in that piece of land. After selection of the letter from above, the land is dug equivalent to the size of body of owner (height and width) and the soil is taken out and be filled with new soil performing ‘havana’ by Brahmins and the old soil must be thrown out of the piece of land, According to the ancient vastu literature the above letters denote the following:

  • Ah- the east side of the land,
  • Ka- south-east i.e the fire side of the plot, also called the ‘agni kon’
  • Ch- south side of the land,
  • Ta- south-east side of the plot,
  • Tah- west side of the land,
  • Pa- north-west side of the land
  • Ya- north side of the land,
  • Sha- north-east side of the land, also called ‘ishan kon’