Colors have a wide role in adding beauty to a house, apartment, or flat as well as Exterior and Interiors. The right choice of color indicates the flow of energy, health, and wealth of people living on the property. Colors also inspire our emotions and behavior. There are important implications of different colors as per Vastu as under.
Five elements of nature, i.e., Air, Fire, Earth, Water, and Space are responsible for generating positive and negative energies. These elements are also associated with colors, seasons, and directions. For example, the element – ‘Fire’ is associated with Red. ‘Earth’ positioned at the center, stands for Yellow, Oranges, or Brown, etc. ‘Air’ is Blue autumn, etc.
A rainbow sighted in the east indicates fine weather, while to the west it means rain. A red sky in the morning will foretell an afternoon shower, while a red sky at night will mean a clear sky. A halo around the moon indicates wind. These can be employed in all the areas of our lives; the colors of homes, offices, clothes, food, even our cars as well as in adjusting our personalities and vitality. Its role is in both determining good and bad, improving the luck of a site and residence in which we live.